  The DALTA JONELTA Foundation Inc. (DJFI), a Corporate Social Responsibility arm of the UPHD-Medical Center was established on February 24, 2009, through SEC Registration 000034-2010, with DSWD license to operate awarded last August 5, 2010 and was bestowed DSWD NCR Accreditation last October 10, 2011 in accordance with Section 23, Republic Act 4373 “An Act to regulate the Practice of Social Work and the Operation of Social Work Agencies in the Philippines and other Purposes, the foundation was elevated to a Social Welfare and Development Agency (SWADA) status through efforts of TEAM DJFI and the synergetic leadership of Maj. Richard L. Tamayo and Ms. Cristina M. Consing.
The DJFI extends its services to its constituents by means of awareness building in terms of health and nutrition vis-á-vis delivering of social services to meet the basic needs of the community imbibing seven pillars of the DJFI.